Questions fly through our head every day, questions that we never give a second thought to, questions we forget a second later. Here we are going to try and answer some of them.
Friday, 24 April 2015
I don't do this ordinarily but having just watched interstellar I have to express what a fantastic and thought provoking film it is, albeit hard to understand what happening at some parts it is absolutely chock full of moments that make you think oohhhhh or ahhhh. Basically it is a fantastic film which has been creatively made and extremely well written.
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Under Pressure
With deadlines for coursework and exams approaching quickly, I highly doubt that I'm the only one who's feeling a bit tightly strung. Stress is something which we all experience at some point or another but why do we really feel such an emotional discomfort when we come under pressure?
If we ask google it tells us that stress is ''a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances''. Which although true, is over complicating our question a little. Stress, when it comes down to it, is not an emotion. Stress is in fact a state of mine which results in an emotional response including but not limited to a mix of:
Stress is our body's response to change, our the effect of our various internal systems all working away rapidly to oppose a change. This also explains why such a wide variety of situations can cause stress, as anything which causes a drastic change or threatens to change our daily routine in future is in fact opposed by our own bodies. Through the emissions of various hormones or our brains refusing to stop working furiously to find a solution our bodies can cause us to feel run down and all sorts of emotional discomfort.
If we ask google it tells us that stress is ''a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances''. Which although true, is over complicating our question a little. Stress, when it comes down to it, is not an emotion. Stress is in fact a state of mine which results in an emotional response including but not limited to a mix of:
So evidently stress is not a nice thing, nor a good thing, but what exactly is it?
In a mechanical sense, stress is a physical force on an object, so considering that emotionally it feels very much like this, it is no big surprise that they are referred to by the same word.
Our bodies run off a delicate equilibrium, a constant input and output of various things, the usual everyday routines and nothing that is very out of the ordinary most of the time. However when a condition in any equilibrium is changed, the equilibrium actually changes in favor of an opposing condition to attempt to restore this balance. This is exactly what stress is in a sense.

Having said that, is stress really a bad thing? Without stress we would not adapt to a new situation and would simply keep going the way we are. If we had no stress then we would not be prompted to adapt and survive. Potentially as a result of this humanity could have died out a very long time ago!
So there we have is, a quick evaluation of stress, like everything in the delicate equilibrium of life we need some to survive but when the balance gets upset it can lead to some pretty serious consequences. So next time you're feeling stressed out realise that you're feeling the emotion that's been driving us since the dawn of humanity, its pretty cool to think about :)
Thanks for reading guys I say this quite a lot but I appreciate it all, as I implied there are exams coming up and evidently I won't be posting so regularly for a while but I'll be sure to write when I can, see ya :)
Sunday, 5 April 2015
I Want To Play a Game
What do you think of video games? Are you an enthusiast who is willing to defend them to the bitter end? Or do you think they waste time and cause crime rates to skyrocket? Either way we're delving into the depths of cyber (and real) space to try to figure out just how real these games could ever get.
On the flip side there are those who are strongly against video games, claiming that they give children violent tendencies and promote criminal activity to those who play them.
Video games weren't so much of an invention as they were an eventuality. With people becoming increasingly able to access computers that they could control it was only a matter of time until some person with too much time on their hands made a game out of it.
But what makes a video game real? Well in order to answer that we must think what lets us observe and absorb data from out current real world? Contrary to popular belief humans actually have at least 9 senses with most researchers agreeing we probably have about 20. However for the sake of time we are only going to talk about the big 5 that everybody is brought up learning about.
A huge part of developing video games is the graphic design. Everything in a game has to be individually designed, with a 3D model created, then each small blip on the model has to be individually colored in. So evidently due to the fact that you can always zoom in further on an object, we could never truly replicate an object within a game. However the trick is that humans cannot see the smaller things. In fact the human eyes only have a resolution of roughly 576 Megapixels. Game designers creating a simulation of real life could always take advantage of this and realise that a certain level, we cannot see the detail and so it would be not worth doing.
The second in command in the human brain is the sound, with a large portion of our brain dedicated to auditory processing we are able to pinpoint a sound from quite a distance and some people are even capable of echolocation, the biological radar commonly used by whales and dolphins. This is surprisingly easy to accomplish as even today video games accomplish a realistic surrounding using mixers to vary volume levels and guide us towards where an even occurs using sound. On the other hand it may never be possible for people to navigate a game with echolocation.
This one is difficult, indeed until recently it was inconceivable, however with advancements such as microsoft's Kinect we no longer have to use controllers to control our games, on top of this, holograms may soon be able to be used widely due to Hololens, another advancement by microsoft. The only problem is that without actual physical objects or a direct link to influence the nervous system, it is basically impossible to simulate touch. Maybe this will come with time but for the moment it is simply not able to be done.
Not Currently Accomplishable
Smell is actually not as difficult to replicate as most people would think. In fact simply dispersing tiny amounts of the required substance or one of a similar smell would be sufficient. However this may not work well for people with allergies, other than that it is possible with some simple chemistry.
Pretty Easy
Ah the most widely used sense in the battlefield. Lets face it there are a lot of video games today where what you are most likely to taste is your own blood because you're getting shot at. However once again it could most likely be accomplished with some chemistry and substances of different textures.

I'm not exactly sure what this article implies but I am truly a fan of video games, I believe that in offering people opportunities to accomplish things that they could not do in real life they can help to boost self esteem and make people more open to new things. On top of this the sheer amount of work that goes into each and every one is immense and the people who design them really do not get the credit that they deserve for these works of digital art.
What I was trying to show with this article is the true complexity of the world around us, and how little we actually notice. If you take one thing from this article I hope that it is that our universe is incredible more complex and incredible than we could ever hope to comprehend. But we can really give it a good shot. Thanks for reading this I know it was long but I was very bored, it means a lot that people actually read these :) see ya!
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