Sorry there was no post last week guys, I was away over the weekend and didn't have time to to write one. However on the bright side it did give me a bit of inspiration for this week. As those who understood the reference in the title may have guessed, this weeks post is all about besties, baes and bffs.

So lets start at the beginning, when we're little we often feel no desire for friends, our parents are enough and sure its nice to have company but really our toys and family were enough to keep us company. Fast forward to later life and friends have become a pivotal part of our lives and social balance, without friends people can spiral into depression, loneliness and mental illness. Friends have the ability to give meaning to lives that people would otherwise deem to be menial, meaningless or even downright dreary.
But what is it about friendship that we find so comforting and key in our lives? Surely in this modern society it is more efficient and productive to be alone? Well no, having friends and acquaintances is a vital part in the development in a healthy human mind, as they allow us to let our guard down and not constantly be on edge, worried or intimidated. This most likely links back to our very roots, in the wild many animals live in groups, packs or prides to keep themselves safe. What we can take around this is that friendships, ironically, are based largely around giving and taking between the two people.

And as sociable people will know, the more time we spend with people, the better friends we become, as both parties give to and take from the relationship, and due to the strong mental bonds we form with these people, they will become our friends, and effectively the more this happens, the better friends they become.
Once again I would like to thank those who read this, I think of each of you as a friend and I hope that you enjoyed this weeks writing. I apologise for the lack of actual science and studies but the fact of the matter is that we don't need science for this, and some questions can be solved with nothing more than a good think about a topic. Thanks for reading :)
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